30 November 2011


So last week, I spent 2 days helping my friends out at the NEmation studios (studios?) because I am a good and cool and awesome friend... And just cause I can. I think I was quite helpful eh like seriously hahahaha. Or well moreso on the first day I went, as compared to the second day. On the second day I was quite like noob hahahahaha I was just screwing around online. I did however, manage to scrape this blogpost up for them hahahaha so yes GOOD FRIEND OF THE YEAR = ME. I just read it again. It's still funny. BUT YES I am so proud of Lyss, Daph and Bianca for making it all the way through despite how stressed and like unmotivated they were and shit during the Top 100-40 rounds in September BUT NOW THEY'RE IN THE TOP 10 which is so amazing and I really really hope they win!!!!! Their story is so hilarious and cute yet realistic (and Singaporean) at the same time. You guys are welcome HAHAHAHAHAH jk. But yes they are working soooooooo hard it's crazy so they really deserve to win PLZ VOTE FOR THEM next year. Yes. This post has had way too many caps. Oh well. But yes I shall now post the wonderful photos from the 2nd day I was there because that was half of what I did.. Take/edit random photos. OH AND WE READ MY OLD BLOGS omg I was an embarrassment. Ughhhhh it was so painful. OKAY POST ABOUT BALI NEXT and photos now yay.
 Oooh this one's from the first day tho. Note Bianca's tiredness even though it was only their second day in.
 I SEE MAH FRIENDS (': loljk I'm no Rebecca Black.
 Just chillin' with my cousin.

We managed to make it to the Taj Mahal (and back) ohyeah. 
Oh, the wonders of Photoshop.