26 October 2012

I don't know

Next week will be hell week but once it's over I'M FREE. Kind of. Aside from 2 MCQ papers. But it's all good because I'll still be FREE.
I love Cody Simpson. For so many reasons. It's horrible. He's 366 days younger than me. Life is kinda sad sometimes. Oh well. But nooooo look!!!!!!
Linshan sent me this ok. He kind of reminds me of someone... 

18 October 2012


O's start in 4 days and end in 4 weeks. I'm excited. I'm especially excited to dye my hair. And I miss my bangs so I'll probably be getting a haircut too.

If I ever start swearing excessively and unnecessarily, please tell me that my 16-year-old self is very disappointed in me. That last part was weird. Ok yeah tell me "Your 16-year-old self is very disappointed in you." Thanks. That is all. Back to studying. Bye.
Here's a photo that Bianca took of me when I had bangs I guess I kinda look like a China doll but it's ok I still like it do you like it or do you hate it leave a comment below or text me or tweet me or write on my formspring..... I'm kidding. I don't really care if you hate my bangs and comments are weird no one comments on blog posts. PEACE OUT SUCKAAAS (I miss Sterling Knight I hope he'll have a new show soon yes.)

11 October 2012

Don't close the book on me

Four years.I have to say, these four years have been pretty damn good. Found myself a great bunch of friends, some of whom I've know from the start of my Secondary school life and some who I met along the way. I really, really am thankful for every one of them and they make me so glad I chose to come to St Marg's.

So yesterday, we had our graduation ceremony and a massive phototaking session in the parade ground and it was pretty crazy hahaha we're all such camwhores it's wonderful. I guess I'm not that sad because I know I'll still being seeing all my friends, even if it's not every day. Okay now I'm pretty sad because I'm not going to be able to see my friends everyday omg. HAHA but yeah I'll have these friends forever and ever so it's really not so bad yay.

I've had so many crazy and fun experiences these past four years and we've created so many memories and shit and ahhhh I can't believe it's over but I guess it's time for the next chapter to start or something yes how fun okay I really really hope we stay super close forever and ever oh man I love every one of you so much. (As in every one of you and not just my super close friends yes.)

Ok back to studying yay fun bye.

02 October 2012

Almost there.

"Acknowledge that not absolutely everything sucks. Yes, there are about a hundred things wrong at the moment, but there are probably also a hundred other things that are not wrong. In fact, regardless of how minuscule, some things are probably going right."

Spent half my afternoon on Thought Catalogue. I feel like it's made me slightly more retarded and a little more profound, at the same time. I kind of like it.

I think I'm going to make it my homepage.