31 December 2012
09 December 2012
3 weeks in
01 December 2012
A year.
I don't even know what to think anymore like really I hate it when I kinda really wanna ask someone something but I don't know how to/I'm afraid of what they might say and so this is me now and I will probably be stuck here for a while until something happens. That something may be good or it may be bad I really don't know anything like when it will happen and how it will happen or even what will happen sigh this is frustrating and annoying but kinda sad at the same time. But there's nothing I can do but wait, since I don't know how/what to ask. So yes. Life is great. This is a wonderful place.
28 November 2012
Sometimes I look at other people, be it people I know or people in shows or movies or stories and I tell myself, "I will never be like that." or "I must never do that to anyone." or "How can she be so blind?!" But I realise, I may already be like that or have done that or be equally blind. It's kind of frustrating, because I don't really know if I'm really already like that but what I do know is that I don't want to be. For all I know, I could even be worse than that other person but I still wouldn't know. Because I am too blind. This is bad. This is really bad. Oh noooooooooo.
25 November 2012

24 November 2012
This is ridiculous, I want to punch something. Or someone.
17 November 2012
Franco 1x
16 November 2012
Franco 2x
15 November 2012
13 November 2012
Jack Frost

11 November 2012
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no
What does it mean when you dream about the same person over and over again?
Dreaming about the same person over and over again could just mean that you are thinking about that person a lot in real life. It is thus natural that they also appear in your dream life. Your dream is telling you that it is time to let this person know how you feel, especially if you are dreaming of him or her in a good way. Only good things can happen from you telling him or her. Even if he or she is not interested, at least you can move on from the crush. (source)
I was counting on you, internet. Now if anyone has a better answer, please, share it with me. Thanks. Bye.
09 November 2012
Ultra Violet
08 November 2012
06 November 2012
(Three Cheers for) Five Years
Five years is a pretty long time. I think I've finally made up my mind.
04 November 2012
It's too cooOOOOooold outside

26 October 2012
I don't know
18 October 2012
If I ever start swearing excessively and unnecessarily, please tell me that my 16-year-old self is very disappointed in me. That last part was weird. Ok yeah tell me "Your 16-year-old self is very disappointed in you." Thanks. That is all. Back to studying. Bye.
11 October 2012
Don't close the book on me

Four years.I have to say, these four years have been pretty damn good. Found myself a great bunch of friends, some of whom I've know from the start of my Secondary school life and some who I met along the way. I really, really am thankful for every one of them and they make me so glad I chose to come to St Marg's.
So yesterday, we had our graduation ceremony and a massive phototaking session in the parade ground and it was pretty crazy hahaha we're all such camwhores it's wonderful. I guess I'm not that sad because I know I'll still being seeing all my friends, even if it's not every day. Okay now I'm pretty sad because I'm not going to be able to see my friends everyday omg. HAHA but yeah I'll have these friends forever and ever so it's really not so bad yay.
I've had so many crazy and fun experiences these past four years and we've created so many memories and shit and ahhhh I can't believe it's over but I guess it's time for the next chapter to start or something yes how fun okay I really really hope we stay super close forever and ever oh man I love every one of you so much. (As in every one of you and not just my super close friends yes.)

Ok back to studying yay fun bye.
02 October 2012
Almost there.

"Acknowledge that not absolutely everything sucks. Yes, there are about a hundred things wrong at the moment, but there are probably also a hundred other things that are not wrong. In fact, regardless of how minuscule, some things are probably going right."
Spent half my afternoon on Thought Catalogue. I feel like it's made me slightly more retarded and a little more profound, at the same time. I kind of like it.
I think I'm going to make it my homepage.
29 September 2012
What we had, it wasn't real.

I really want an ice cream sandwich. I should just bake/buy cookies and make my own sandwich instead of being sad that Carl's Jr doesn't sell them anymore.
I went to bed at 8 last night. But I didn't fall asleep till 11. And then I woke up at 6 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I hate being sick. But I think I'm much better now. Yay.
28 September 2012
Hi I really like this song. Like I really like Youngblood Hawke and I like this song more than I like them which is kinda weird I guess but yes. The second last week of my school life in SMSS has come to an end. So obviously next week will be the last week ever and that''s kinda sad but like yeah then it'll be two more weeks and then O's start and after 3 weeks IT WILL ALL BE OVER. So yay.
I think I caught the stomach flu bug from my sister ugh been feeling so sick all day and I am so sad and miserable but I can't tweet about how sad and miserable I am hence this blog post. I reaaaally am a little too obsessed with twitter. Damn. I'm also on the computer to look for more music for studying. I think I spent the whole week listening to the soundtrack of Like Crazy on repeat so I decided that I should probably find something else. Okay byeeeeeeeeeeeee.
24 September 2012
There's got to be something better than in the middle.
Kind of obsessed with this song (well, this cover). I didn't like it that much when I first listened to it but I really love it now and I really love Paradise Fears and Sam has such a great voice and he's so adorable he reminds me of Lewis from Meet The Robinsons and Cole is like tall and awkward and perfect and I love them ahhhhh. Hahahahaha I think I'm really just blogging this cause I can't tweet it.
I AM SUFFERING FROM TWITTER WITHDRAWAL AHHHHHHHHH but I'm sure it'll go away soon... I think...... I hope........... OK BYEEEEEEEE
P.s. you should also watch this because the last part is pretty great
23 September 2012
Four weeks.
So yes last week was a pretty good week but then I had a mini panic attack just now because O's start in four weeks and I am so screwed it's not even funny anymore because I haven't been studying and time is running out and DIE. So I freaked out for a while before deciding that the best thing I can do now is try to actually do shit instead of freaking out. And so yeah I'm hoping that this is the part where I wake up and get my shit together and actually manage to be prepared in time for O's. No more twitter for me, pretty sure it's #1 on my list of distractions so GOODBYE TWITTER until after O's I guess. I was pretty apprehensive about getting of twitter before today because I don't know I'm like addicted or something sigh so yeah I got Joanne to change my password so hopefully it'll help la I don't know arrgghhhhhh. But yeah I'm pretty scared now I hope this fear stays and actually makes me study because I haven't found any other form of motivation either SO YES STUDY I'M GONNA STUDY but first here are some photos ENJOY
(w Bianca (from her instagram acc); James' birthday; Edgar playing with fire; James' chicken cake; w Shi En (also from her instagram))
16 September 2012
Dear Bianca,
I don't understand why you don't want to eat potatoes with me anymore. I had a pretty good time eating potatoes with you. I guess it just doesn't go both ways, then. Love, me.
So yeah but I went to Bali for the whole of the September holidays even though I should have been stuck at home studying hahahaha I love my parents. But they did force me to study a lot while we were there (okay not really force but more of nag because I didn't actually get that much studying done). Bali was good I love Bali so much I don't even know if you know how much I love Bali okay. Bali is the best. So yeah I went to the beach practically every day and I'd like bring some math to do or something... But I'd end up like walking up to the water and staring out into the ocean because the breeze was so nice and the sound of the ocean was so relaxing and ahhhhhhh I love Bali I wanna go back. And like we went bowling with the GCCG and stuff and yeah I love Bali not only cause of the place but also because of the people because the people there are pretty great (and there are hot guys, sometimes) so yes. But yeah I spent half the time studying/trying to study so this wasn't the best trip because I didn't get to do much. SO yeah Prelims started when school started and considering how much (little) I studied this week was a pretty bad week. Last 2 papers tomorrow, so life's not so bad anymore HAHAHA.
Ummmm went to check out Societe Canteen yesterday with @leanguine (I just felt like doing that idk why, such a Leah move tho hahaha) after studying at CBTL and yeah the food was okay but kinda weird so yeah hahaha that was um fun. Then I went to Corobucks and did some R&J while waiting for Edgay and Shi En and then once they came we didn't study anymore la just talking and stuff and then we waiting for Chris before heading to Shi En's place to 'cook dinner' (we didn't). We ended up telling stories and stuff and being entertained by Ien and then we ate and got facials HAHAHAHA I let Ien do mine and he's like 10 so umm yes it was an interesting experience BUT SO FUN I love my gang.
Oh yes and my brother and I got to catch a glimpse of the royal couple (Prince Willam + Kate) when they were in Queenstown earlier this week. That was fun.
I shall now post a bunch of photos (most of which are from Instagram, yes.)
20 August 2012
Oh happily ever after...
14 August 2012
Back when we were young
Hahahahahaha so yeah life has been pretty good but not that interesting because I spend my days either doing nothing or studying. Okay but my weekends have been pretty happening because I keep going out which is probably not very good but it's still fun!!! Highlights would be Racial Harmony day, the hpps carnival because my pri school classmates are the best because they are retarded (yes, Rebekah logic: retarded = best), National Day, Strictly Pancakes with Jasmine and Lyss, random adventuring with Joanne and Nichole and GEYLANG SERAI + other fun stuff with Denise and Danielle whom I will miss like crazy I can't even ahhhh less than 2 weeks before they leave sigh. And yeah I probably did some other stuff but I don't really remember anymore cause all this was just last week yes. Oh and then there are the Sundays spent with the kids sigh I love them even though they annoy the crap out of me sometimes and make me feel so old and motherly ick HAHA but they are adorable and such fun to be around so yay.
But I am pretty glad because I am so blessed to have all these wonderful friends around me and this is a friend appreciation post but not really because it doesn't mention all my friends but I really mean all my friends and I don't know what I'm saying anymore so goodnight YAY
31 July 2012
Also, here's a picture of Ryan Lochte. Yay, Olympics. Oh and BYE JULYYYYY you were pretty great.

22 July 2012
Let Go
... And as I said those few words, it seemed that I was trying to convince myself more than anyone else.
21 July 2012
(Watch these) Shorts.
18 July 2012
So, meeting blg was the best day every because they're my favourite band and I cannot stress how much I love them blablabla but really I don't think I'll be able to shut up about it for a while... It's getting better tho. I think. Anyway, I didn't draw many comparisons till today but I realised that my experience with blg was pretty similar to the one I had with the cab in some ways... But ultimately all I can say is that I'm just really blessed sigh I don't even know how these things actually ended up happening the way they did because they were totally unexpected and yes I'm just so grateful for these two opportunities I got this year. Well, here's to more opportunities to come, then!
So yeah basically one day (aka last Thursday the 12th of July and also the day before Friday the 13th and Chem SPA), I went onto twitter and I saw Diane spazzing.... And then I scrolled up and I saw Holing spazzing..... So I was like omg what is going on and obviously I knew it had something to do with blg and I'm pretty sure I was hoping really hard that it would have something to do with meeting them...... AND IT WAS. Not too long later, Diane called me and she was like, "Rebekah.... Have you figured it out yet?" and I was like "NO WHAAAAT" and kind of freaking out yet trying very hard to lower my expectations in case I was about to be disappointed.... AND THEN SHE BROKE THE NEWS and all I could say was "oh my gosh" and then I was kind of in shock and a million things were rushing through my head and I just continued talking to Diane in a half-dreamlike state hahahaha man I bet it would've been funny to see my reaction I think I was trying really hard to be calm HAHA. So yeah it was only when I hung up that it really set in. I was going to meet Boys Like Girls. I was going to meet Martin Johnson. Martin Johnson. Oh my gosh. HAHAHAHAHA and then I really starte spazzing I told all my friends that I had gotten to try to help me win the 91.3 passes and I spazzed on twitter and I spazzed to myself and I spazzed to my siblings (my brother promptly began to try and guess who I was spazzing about and I'm pretty sure "Justin Bieber" came up several times sigh poor boy) and like yeahhhhh I was kind of normal most of the time after that hahaha. My friends were really great tho they entertained my spazzing and congratulated me hahaha you guys were wonderful I LOVE YOU ALL but I guess that really shows how I love blg so much that everyone knows it HAHAHAHA.
So yes I went to school on Friday being excited for so many reasons (1. SPA to be over 2. Blessed to be a Blessing 3. OBVIOUSLY TO MEET BLG) ahahahahaha so yeah and I got the chance to go for the soundcheck too and that was already so perfect (I also realised that like what happened with the cab, I got to see them for two consecutive days!!!) and I was just so happy already but at the same time I was really trying not to get my hopes too high up because I was kind of afraid that our m&g would just be something really short and rushed but I didn't caaaare I would be meeting Martin Johnson and Paul DiGiovanni and John Keefe and Morgan Dorr in person for the first (well, secondish for Paul and Morgan since I kind of met them after the soundcheck) time in my life after so many years of being kind of really obsessed with blg....
AND SO SUNDAY CAME and I went to Vivo a little earlier because I couldn't get anything done at home and I tried to study at Carl's Jr and get an Oreo ice cream sandwich but both didn't work out so I ended up just getting some Boost Juice (and they were blasting Love Drunk!!!!) before going up to meet the others. When I got there Jesslyn, Holing, Kathy and Grace were already there and so I joined them an chatted with them for a while before Nat and Diane came and as we walked to the taxi stand I knew I was going to have a great day just spending time with the girls because we all had so much in common and conversations were so easy and fun and we were all equally excited but not overly spazzy and fangirly. So we cabbed to the hotel (we also got to get into a cab and tell the uncle to "FOLLOW THAT TAXI!!!" yes that was fun) and then while we were in the cab John tweeted about just getting back from the gym and we were so excited just wondering if they were staying in that same hotel that we were going to. The journey to the hotel was really short and I also casually replied John asking him to come down to the lobby (even though we didn't know if they were really staying there). So we settled down in the lobby and just sat and talked and took photos which was fun... And then when I randomly checked my phone I saw that John had replied my tweet and I spazzed and started hitting the object nearest to me (which was Jesslyn's leg hahaha) in excitement and we were all so excited ahhhhh hahahaha. And then we kind did just hung around for a while (not really wanting to move when the hotel staff asked us if we wanted to go up to the conference room waiting area first) until Adam the Intern (who was kinda weird and annoying but still pretty funny) came and Jesslyn and Grace sat with him and the other contest winners so that he could brief them. So we went up first and when we stepped into the lift we saw a mirror and it was like "OOH MIRROR LET'S TAKE A PICTURE" and so we did hahaha AND LATER ON, JOHN POSTED A PICTURE OF THE BAND TAKING A SIMILAR SHOT IN THAT SAME LIFT ON INSTAGRAM it was such a crazy coincidence idek. So yeah we headed up and eventually ended up on a couch outside the conference room where we sat patiently for idek how long okay. It was long. But it really didn't feel long. After a while we heard voices AND THE BOYS WERE THERE and as they walked down the corridor we kind of just freaked out internally and casually waved to them and shouted hello HAHAHA and Diane and Kathy held up signs and like Martin's smile when he saw them ahhhhhhtfjskdj it was so cuteeeeeeeeeeee. And then they went in and we were left outside to wait some more but we were so excited the didn't matter that much hahaha. A journalist from Seventeen came to sit with us while waiting for her turn to interview them so being my weird high self I started asking her about being a journalist and stuff and I'm sure she was pretty amused by me so you are welcome, journalist. I didn't ask for her name but based on the articles she told me she wrote, I'm sure it won't be hard to find out HAHA. Oh look there's a copy of Seventeen on my desk (the Chloe Moretz one because she is amazing)..... Okay I think I know who she is omg she writes like half the stuff in here what the heck hahahahahaha that's crazy. Also OH MY GOSH THIS POST IS SO LONG AND I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO THE MAIN EVENT YET COME ON REBEKAH HURRY UP hahaha ok wait I just need to add that Martin went to the toilet many many times and one of the times he went with John and we were in the toilet too so when we went out we hear their voices and kind of mini freaked before deciding to play it cool and try not to act like we had been stalking them so when they came out really soon after we started walking and then we turned and said hi and Martin said hi back and turned back to continue his conversation with John so we were all just walking awkwardly side by side for a while it was so retarded hahahahahaha.
OKAY AND THEN FINALLY THEY TOLD US THE PRESS INTERVIEWS WERE ALMOST DONE and they moved us to another couch to wait for them and I was pretty bummed because the couch they moved us to was like on the way out of the place so I figured they would only have time for a quick photo or something BUT I WAS WRONG HAHAHAHA so when they emerged out from the room they went to sit on the couch we were moved from and we were just like FJDKWRTYUI but then they got up and started walking over and fjdieksldjsk the whole thing was just so exciting and I have a loooong video of the whole thing because I left Lyss' camera running and hung it around my neck HAHAHA so yeah I managed to get everything on video yay. But basically they came over and introduced themselves (not like they needed any introduction...) and I was so excited I asked Paul for a photo almost immediately hahahaha so retarded sigh. But yeah then Diane gave Martin the "2 Days" sign paper thing and he gave this dude his phone to take a picture with and so the four of them walked to the other side and set up for a picture and the guy was going to take the picture when Martin looked up and went "No, we want them in the picture too." So we ran over and FJEJWOHDOEBD we took the photo that ended up on Martin's instagram (I was pretty sure that he would post it so I was just waiting for it to appear on my instagram feed HAHAHA). And I stood next to Morgan and our conversation kind of went like this: "Hi Morgan" "Hey!" "Remember my name?" "Yeaaaaah... No..." "You suck.." "What is it again?" "Rebekah..." and then he put his arm around me for the photo and didn't forget my name again that day HAHAHA for all I know he could've forgotten it by now but let's just imagine he hasn't shall we..
So then we moved on to individual shots with the group and I went last and Martin and Paul were mumbling about something and I was pretty sure they were talking about my shirt (and Kathy's, since she was wearing the same one) so I turned around and asked them what they were talking about which led to the video I posted in the previous post hahaha. So after that we all just hung out for a while and I managed to talk to all of them but I talked to Martin the most, first about the instax we took (he was soooo amused by the instax we took he held on to it and kept shaking it until the picture appeared... He was so fixated on it that he didn't even respond at first when we asked him to sign Diane's phone HAHAHA. He also swore at it. Yes, he swore at an instax. It was pretty adorable, considering how ridiculous and funny that whole incident was) and then when I asked him if they were coming back in two years (because they've been coming every two years since 08') he said that they'd probably be back next year and then I asked if he'll remember us and he was like "I will remember you." and okay seriously I can recite this part okay I was like "Yeah? Do you remember my name? You don't even know my name..."
"I won't remember your name.. But I'll remember your face. I bet Morgan remembers your name, though."
"Yeah that's cause I made him remember it.."
HAHAHAHAHA I WAS SO SHOCKED because I never actually told him my name but he actually knew it (probably from Morgan calling me or something idek but omggggg) and I was just so happy hehehehe just thinking about it is making me happy oh man. But yes I really do love Martin Johnson arghgfhfdh I really love all of them actually but I just can't help but love Martin the most sigh. So yeah I also randomly asked Paul if I could touch his hair and he said yeah and I asked if it was gross and he said yeah too because he hadn't washed it right HAHAHA but yeah I touched it and it was kinda... Sticky? I don't know I guess he had a lot of product in his hair to make it stay up hahaha so I was like yeah it is (gross) and then I wiped my fingers on the sleeve of his muscular arm HAHAHAHAHAHA it was pretty funny. John was also super adorable like when I asked him if we could take a picture he was like "No" and I was like "No?" and then he was super cute he went "NO NO I WAS TALKING TO MARTIN" and then he hugged me as our instax was taken sighhhhhh. And Morgan... Oh Morgan. I was standing to the side just taking in everything that was going on and he suddenly went "Hey Rebekah whatchu need girl" and I kind of stunned and went "What??" and he repeated himself HAHAHA it was so funny so yeah we took another instax and I got him to sign it but he couldn't figure out how to work the marker an sighhhh he was just so adorable hahaha. And then before they left he was like "Rebekah... Be good okay?" and then he did this weird handshake thing where he like snapped and like yes I don't know how to explain it but basically I couldn't do it and I was like "I CAN'T SNAP I CAN'T DO THAT YOUR HAND IS TOO BIG YOU HAVE BASS HANDS" and everyone was like "hahaha bass hands" and he laughed and said "Wow I didn't know you guys knew that about bass players!" HAHAHAHAHAHA it was hilarious. So then they went down and we kind of spazzed for a while more before going down but then Morgan stopped to talk to us once more and we asked him when they were leaving and and where they were going and stuff and he was so cute he was like "We're going to London.... Wait no, Japan!" like he wasn't even sure where they were going HAHA. Then he took photos with Kathy and Natalie and then we asked him to do the video and he was such a sweetheart hahaha oh man it was so funny especially when he asked me to say something I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything to say hahahaha. But yes, he was very very nice. And this is kind of the end of my insanely long post. Is this even longer than my post about the cab? It should be. I only heard about the cab because Martin posted a video of him and Alex Deleon ok that was how I heard of them SO EVERYTHING STARTED FROM BLG. EVERYTHING. Sigh the 15th of July was such a good day, Leah even termed it "LEHBEKAH DAY" because she got to meet Jean Larivee that day too so yes we had really really great days. Oh man I'm really happy I got videos of practically everything tho because it really helps with the withdrawal and all HAHAHA although I constantly find myself thinking of things I should have done/said while I had the chance haha ah well hopefully there'll be a next time.... I really hope so.
Aaaaaand that's the end of my insanely long personal recount HAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry it's so long but then again I'm not that sorry because if you really cared about the details you would be fine with reading such a long post and if you didn't then you would've skipped parts/stopped reading it anyway. So sorry, I'm not sorry. HAHAHA OK NO THAT'S NOT VERY NICE OK SORRY SORRY BYE ❤
17 July 2012
So... Sunday.
Morgan: We're talking about you, Rebekah.So this video is just one of the parts of my experience with meeting my favourite band since like 2007 (plus how awkward I am and annoying my annoying camera voice is sigh). But yes I SPENT MOST OF P6 SPAZZING OVER MARTIN JOHNSON AND BLG BECAUSE THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME THEY CAME and most of my primary school classmates would definitely remember all that... We used to sit at the back of the class and listen to 98.7fm on the radio and I remember them announcing that BLG would be going into the studio for an interview and I SCREAMED in class and everyone turned and stared at me it was pretty hilarious. I was just reading my p6 blog and yeah it was really quite bad and I was so retarded and I'm just laughing at myself then but omg I can't even begin to imagine how proud 12-year-old me would be of me right now. Then again it's pretty screwed up to think about a 12-year-old obsessing over a (then) 23-year-old man. Hahahahahahahahaha shit.
Me: Why?
Martin: Huh?
Me: What're you guys talking about?
Morgan: Your hair is really nice.
Me: Thank you.
Martin: You do have nice hair it's really soft. (AND THEN HE TOUCHES MY HAIR)
Me: (Being awkward and in shock) All your hair (pauses to breathe) is nice too.
Martin and Morgan: Thank you
Me: It's all standing up... (To Paul) Your.. Your hair is standing up.
Paul: I haven't washed mine in like..
Me: It's really high!
Paul: Am I doing okay? (says more stuff about washing his hair but my awkward self just couldn't stop rambling)
Me: It's really high you look a bit like Einstein you know there's this picture of Einstein with his hair..
Paul: I'm really smart thank you I appreciate it.
Morgan laughs.
BUT YES so on Sunday, I met Boys Like Girls and it was all thanks to The Martin Sayers and Diane and I've told this story countless times already but yes basically TMS did an interview for The Straits Times and then later on, (and it was really quite late because before that we were desperately trying to win passes from 91.3fm) Diane was told that she'd be getting meet and greet passes AND SO SHE BROUGHT US ALONG AND IT WAS GREAT AHHH. This is gonna be a really long post oh man. Arghhhhh no okay I'll probably post the details of our m&g another time because I'm really hungry and I've been in front of the computer for way too long now so yeah it will be soon and I hope I don't forget to post or get too lazy to do it but noooo I want the world to know what happened HAHAHAHAHA oh man keep replaying everything in my head and spazzing to Lyss again and again btw thank you so much for lending me your camera Lyss <3. But yeah watching the videos over and over again kind of help with the withdrawal so yes I am retarded what is wrong with me this is what blg does to me sigh. OKAY YAY FOOD BYE
14 July 2012
Soundcheck (Of My Summer?)
TODAY I WENT FOR BLG'S SOUNDCHECK AND IT WAS AMAZING. So like after 170th (WHICH WAS REALLY GOOD TOO) Diane whatsapped us telling us that Desmond had called her and told her they were having a soundcheck at Gardens By The Bay so because I was so nearby I practically ran there (aside from on the mrt I just stood on the mrt but I ran everywhere else) (then again I can't really run because of my knee so it was more of a faggy brisk walk damn). ANYWAY I managed to get to The Meadow on time despite getting lost and being all spazzy because the moment I got to GBTB I heard drums and I almost died but I didn't know how to get to the stage. So I just wandered around before sneaking in backstage to the side of the stage in front and stood awkwardly in the corner for a while HAHAHA. ANYWAY they are so good live so getting to watch them play like four songs was pretty amazing. Plus it made up for the fact that I'm not going for their actual concert. :-(
03 July 2012
30 May 2012
Hi everyone I'm so excited for the Some Nights video it is the best song ever go watch the video when it comes out YAY. I realise the main reason why I suck at blogging is because I love twitter too much so I just spam it with, well, MY WHOLE LIFE thus leaving me with nothing left to blog about. I guess it's because microblogging is just simpler... But yes basically IT'S THE JUNE HOLIDAYS but it's really not because we have school everyday for these first two weeks. I am, however, ESTATIC that Chinese O's are over as life is now that much less stressful. I really do hope I pass though, not sure if I will... :-(
So yeah after the paper we (TUSCW minus Jam and Af) went to HV and we wanted to go to Hatched but it was closed so we ended up at EwF and it was fun and then we kind of just wandered around HV for a while before heading to Cluny to buy balloons (BALLOONS!!!!!!!!!) and then Botanic Gardens so Bianca could shoot us (bang bang!!). Rach helped her. And Cheryl was there wearing sunglasses and being all cool and stuff. It was fun. I'm still alive because I AM INVINCIBLE and uhh bulletproof yeah sure. Anyway photos are on Bianca and Lyss' blogs and I just realised (HA HA HA) this post is rather similar to Lyss' post hahahaha oops WELL WE WERE TOGETHER SO WE HAD THE SAME DAY OKAY TOO BAD. Well yes THAT IS ALL I kinda want these two weeks to end fast so I can have my two weeks of holiday but then that also means those two weels will past fast which means SCHOOOOL and then OOOOOOOO'S NOOOOOOOOOOO. Life is sad. Bye.
P.s. Can't add hyperlinks cause I'm emailing this in (long story) but Bianca and Lyss's blogs are ijustrealised.bs and frivolousfrosties.bs respectively.... HAHAHA BS ok bye
23 May 2012
12 May 2012
A reason to smile;
A good reason to smile right now would be because mid-years are over. Which is why I'm blogging. Because I don't need to study (not like I actually really do but yeaaah..) and I don't feel that lazy today. Sometimes I consider blogging but I'm too lazy so I go find something more productive to do with my time (yeah right). But yes post exam life has been pretty good but it only lasts till Monday and then we start hardcore Chinese Intensive in preparation for Chinese O's on the 28th of May YAY. This is obviously one of those boring posts where I rattle on about my boring life but I guess I'll just stop here because I am tired and lazy oh ya went to Leah's house today and she cooked for us and it was yummy and I had fun yay and then I came home and watched Hart of Dixie because I love it and I love Zoe and Wade and I just want them to be together and I shall stop here bye hopefully I'll think of something better to blog someday soon when I'm not lazy yes that sounds great ok sorry bye.
20 March 2012
Twitter Fast
2 days down, 19 more to go. \ö/ (Lol I find this person smiley thing hilarious.)
14 March 2012
Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same?
Anyway omg yes today was Career Fair.... Day? I don't know lah just Career Fair I guess. Today we had Career Fair. Yes it was kind of fun yet kind of useless at the same time so idek BUT AT LEAST THE FOOD WAS GOOD. I think I'm quite screwed because I don't know what I want to do with my life OR EVEN WHERE I WANT TO GO AFTER O's like seriously I can never make up my mind/stick with my decision bleh. But yeah whatever man I just don't like growing up but hey GROWING UP WON'T BRING US DOWN lol wise words from the great John O'Callaghan HAHAHAHA. Yeah I don't wanna grow up (I wanna be a toys r'us (how is it even written?) kid!) but like there are so many things to look forward to and looking forward to things just makes time pass so much faster ARGHHHGGHGG but ya nothing I can do but try to... Live. And stuff. Yes.
OK ENOUGH ABOUT SAD WEEPY DEPRESSING FUTURE STUFF I shall talk about the (near) past TODAY AFTER SCHOOL I WENT TO LEWU WITH LYSS LIN JAM JILL LEAH MICH AND THEN WE WENT TO SOGURT BUT AS WE WERE WALKING LEAH SAW SOMEONE AND RAN TO THE BUS STOP, HOPPED INTO A CAB AND WENT HOME OMG RETARD seriously. And then yeah we went to Sogurt and ate froyo AND I GOT ENOUGH CHOPS TO GET A SOGURT CARD WOOHOOOOO so fun omg and ya I used foursquare to check in and get a stamp HAHAHAHAHAHA HILARIOUS but it was quite fun and then we camwhored with phones and instaxes and it was totally fun fun fun fun I love my friends yay. ♥
(Photos from Lin and Jam's Instagrams)