It's been 3 weeks since O's ended and I am quite happy because I don't feel like I've wasted these past 3 weeks. Like I've kept myself occupied and stuff and I didn't like stay at home and rot so I am quite proud of myself yay. These past weeks have been pretty eventful, prom was last week (or last last week, depending on how you look at it) and I started work at The Book Cafe this week (or last week) and so yeah that's basically what I've been up to. We moved over to Potong Pasir for the past two weeks and 456 slept over after prom and I do quite like our new place but I don't really wanna move there so yeah idk if we're moving or not but it would make a lot of sense to move there if I go to SA so we'll seeeeeeeeee. So yeah spent the past few weeks just hanging out with people and stuff and we had our seniors' farewell on Friday and I think our juniors really did a fantastic job like the games were really fun and I had a really great time. Okay yeah back to prom it was pretty fun we spent half of it taking pictures anyway so yeah it was basically a massive phototaking session but then again that's what most of our school events are HAHAHA. There was also a dance floor and that part was pretty fun and intense but overall it was a pretty great night. I didn't take many pics of my own so most of them are on fb but I did steal some from Linshan so this is us partyin' it up.