Hi I would just like to say that Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians is really quite attractive. But he's an animated character. BUT he's voiced by Chris Pine. So there's that. Okay LOOK AT HIM.
I suddenly love silver hair (I have a feeling this has a lot to do with Jack Frost and his hair although it's kinda whiteish) so I think I might be adding some silver to my hair too, along with the purple. But I'm not sure yet, I don't know how it'll go and I don't wanna be too ambitious so yeah.
Also, if you haven't already noticed, I'm going through a bit of a poetry/storywriting phase. Please bear with me. You could try to analyse them and shit hahahaha. But really I spent more time trying to think of words that rhyme than anything else so they're not like deep or anything. No hidden meanings, not really. Plus I wrote them late at night and my brain gets really weird late at night.
Got my Red Camp info pack today I am really quite excited yay.