12 March 2012


First day of the March holidays and I spent it in school and then in tuition, with random retarded stuff in between. Went to Serene for Macs after school with Bianca and then we decided to go to Sogurt so we walked to the bus stop and took the bus for like 1 stop and then we walked to Sogurt BUT THERE WAS NO CHOCOLATE it was all fruit flavours even the Red Velvet machine was spoilt so I was damn sad and then yeah Bianca got her gummies from German Marketplace and she decided to walk back with me up to the Mad Jack's/LeWu bus stop but then as we were walking halfway she saw a bus and she started running for it even though she couldn't see the number... But it was her bus anyway I was quite impressed by her good guess... HAHAHAHAHA but yeah Bianca Lee is the most kiasu person I know when it comes to catching her bus lol weird kid. Yeah so I made my way back to Serene all by myself and then I called Nichole and turns out she was on the way to Coro so I had to ask her to come to Serene there hahahaha good thing I decided to call her then tho HAHAHAHAHAHAHA anyway yeah she came for physio with me and watched me do stupid stuff and constantly insist that no, I did not want to walk with a cane. So yeah after physio we made our way to tuition and we were just spazzing about The Cab all over again on the way there and it was pretty fun HAHAHAHAHA oh yeah Bianca thinks I'm sufferring from withdrawal syndrome but I don't think I am because I've been through withdrawal and it's a darker place than this so yeah loooooool idek I HOPE I NEVER DO THO I HATE WITHDRAWAL my current plan is just to stop listening to The Cab for a while which is quite stupid but I can't think of a better plan. Annnnnd then yeah had tuition (with Nichole, for the first time) and yeah it was pretty interesting but yet kind of the same hahahaha. And then I came home and changed and then left for 313 with my grandma to get dtf for dinner and It was good and then I went to f21 for a while and got a top and then I came home yay. I like how people give their seats up for me on the train. Nice people are nice. Yay.