24 July 2014


I was reading Bianca's blog and then I suddenly felt like blogging too HAHAHAHAHAHA
I vaguely remember the days like back in sec 2 or sec 4 or something where we blogged frequently and like talked about our blogs and stuff HAHA ok but she still blogs frequently GOOD JOB. 
HI (this girl is so annoying ew)
Anyway life has been quite interesting since..... The last time I blogged about my life. But there's too much to say and I shouldn't live (too far back) in the past by trying to remember stuff that happened ages ago (because the last time I talked about life was more than ages ago). Life is pretty good... Sometimes...... So obviously I have to tell you about it......... But a picture speaks a thousand words so I shall post the following 12 pictures and they will speak 12,000 words (excl. captions).

987 radio star auditions in school today
bc why not
(Joakim was really nice)
((I loved him on Singapore Idol))
d'Good for dinner last night
(to celebrate Cheyenne's birthday)
I love this bear it's so fluffy
Instagram photo-printing booth thingy
which was cute
we created a fake insta to spam
(but then the printer ran out of ink so plan fail) 
One day when we coincidentally wore blues and greys!!!
Sunday Folks before training (lol)
Unlimited steak & fries @ l'entrecote
(express sobbles I wna go to the original one)
Oreo Tart (6 oreos for 6 months??? lel) 
Miss y'all :(
I want again
Brought Marcus dinner when he stayed in school to study for BT2s and caught the pretty sunset
Can't say I don't miss SA

Maybe I'll blog more from here on out. Maybe not.