SA WON THE POLICE CUP which is basically just A Div with a fancier name because it's apparently sponsored by the police force. I guess they think that ruggers would make good police or something which is quite smart. But anyway YES SA WON WOOHOOOOOO their season was actually pretty short like Lin, David and I wanted to go support from like the first game but we were uhhh kinda late and by kinda I mean when I got there the players were walking off the field + I was the earliest of the three of us so ya WE TRIED and yeah that was only like a couple of weeks ago and now the whole season is over AND THEY WON!!!!!?! I'm like really super proud of our ruggers they're so determined and passionate and really really admirable and they really deserved to win aaaahhhhhh I'm so happy they won. And I'm glad we managed to support the rest of their games (except the first RI one because uhh... Lit) especially the crucial ones (ok it was just the ACS(i) one which was craaaaazy because this batch was the batch that won both C and B div consecutively AND SA BEAT THEM!!!) and I've pretty much figured out how the game works so yes I can actually fully enjoy watching Rugby now gaaasp yay. Oh and yeah the atmosphere after we won was insane like I really really love SA and our spirit and everything omg it was one of the best moments ever with all of us running out on to the field and congratulating our friends and screaming and cheering and singing the College Song and yeah it was really really memorable I'M ALREAD LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR'S SEASON AHAHAHAHA.
Edgay the enemy/Lin and I doing what we do best

On our feet for the last 10 minutes

With Loh Xing Bao + Farhahahahahan
(aka game-winning-try-scorer aka man of the match aka hero aka sofarhansogood aka koala aka malteser)
St Marg's represent (+ 4/5 represent cept Lin)