Just kidding it was just okay, what with O's being the main event and everything so yeah it wasn't really that exciting.
I must say, though, that I've been incredibly blessed this year with really interesting experiences.
11 days into the year, after just 1 day of being 16, I tore my acl. That was really fun. I guess it kind of shaped my entire year because most of the stuff that I did/didn't get to do this year was because I tore my acl. Well mainly the stuff in the first half of the year.
So I got to meet The Cab and got to sit in the balcony of Tab during the show yes that was because of my acl and it was like... Idk I just never would've imagined it ever happening hahaha like even when I emailed the guy I was just trying my luck I didn't even expect anything so yes super duper grateful for that.
On Martin's instagram |
Plus, I met BLG too which was crazy because they've been my favourite band since forever (forever being 2007 in this case) and it was just so... crazy (overusing crazy like crazy I know - speaking of crazy, CRAZY WORLD!!!!!) but yeah I really used to spaz about Martin Johnson like crazy (sorry, again) and I never really thought I'd actually meet him BUT I DID and the whole thing is still kinda surreal to me like oh man did I really meet Martin Johnson did he really tell me I have nice hair and remember my name and fjasdfghjkl yeah.
So yeah those were really highlights of the year. And graduating. I guess that counts as a highlight too. Yes.
On to the part where I talk about the people who made my 2012 okay but this list is mostly the same as my 2011 one hahahaha but really I'm super thankful for all my friends like seriously espr ecially my friends in St Marg's and all my other friends that took O's because they've played such a huge role in my life this year mainly because most of it was spent preparing for O's... All the last-minute study sessions and stuff as well as all my other friends who weren't taking O's for their encouragements and prayers and everything and RESULTS IN LIKE 10 DAYS AKA MY BIRTHDAY which kinda sucks but I guess I don't really mind that much idk.
But yeah I really love all my friends you guys are all great and I feel so super blessed to have each and every one of you.
I guess the only difference between my friends this year and last year is that I have the kids + my gang (WWWOT) this year so most of what I have to say would be the same as what I said last year... So yes pictures speak thousands of words so let us let a bunch of pictures do the talking yes? Actually I don't even have that many pictures from this year HAHAHAHAHA oh well I LOVE YOU FRIENDS THANKS FOR MAKING MY 2012 SO GREAT HERE'S TO A GREAT 2013.
Kiddies |
Gangsterz |
Miss these noobs like crazy :( |
456 <3 |
A bunch of the instaxes I have with me now. |
I guess I'm pretty excited to see what's gonna happen in 2013. :-)
Happy New Year everyone!!!!! <3