28 December 2011

We're living a lifetime in a minute, it'll pass right by if you let it.

Hello. I CUT MY HAIR IT'S SHORT NOW NOOOOOOOOO. Ok lah not that short but it's shorter than I would like oh man I should've just dyed my ends black. Anyway yeah I just wanted to say that Linshan's dedication post inspired me to do one of my own too, yes. It'll probably be short tho but yes I'm saying this so that I'll have no choice but to do it even if I'm lazy. I hope. Yes that is all more homework tomorrow oh joy ok then yay bye.


Okay so this is two days late but yeaaaah Merry Christmas? I spent my Christmas watching tv. Cool story bro. Annnnnd now I'm watching more tv. I LOVE WEDDING CRASHERS yeah I just watched it for the first time on like, Christmas night? Yeah. School starts in less than a week. Turning 16 in less than two. I would like to plan some kind of party but I'm too lazy soooo yeah hopefully it works out to be a memorable birthday anyway even if I don't have a party. Or if anyone would like to volunteer to plan me a party that'd be cool too. OR A SURPRISE PARTY no that's just retarded cause it wouldn't be a surprise since I just suggested throwing myself a surprise party hmm maybe I should start hinting to my parents that I want a surprise party ok no that's just stupid cause like yeah I don't know it's late I shall just continue watching Bones yay.
Wait no I'm not done ok so I've been sick but I think I'm getting better.. Also, I gotta cut my hair like tomorrow or something because Ms Chng was not happy lol and she threatened to make everyone run 5km if I don't cut it so yeah don't have much of a choice do I bleh. Studied with Lyssa at Coffee Bean today as well as last Thursday or well did homework. I think this is the most holiday homework I've ever done. I also took like the shortest time I've taken to get ready leave the house in a loooong while today so yeah that wa cool? Hahaha yeah homework sessions with Lyss are always rather interesting today we were just dying laughing at sooooo many things ahhhhh cousins4lyf man. Oh yeah tried to do homework with Nichole like last Tuesday and Wednesday with Mandy, James and Joanne showing up at different points to sit there and stone with us (or well distract me) but yeah true friendship right there guys. Yes ahhhhh 2011 is ending already oh man so fast DIE. Ok not yet lah maybe end of next year. Ahhhhhh O's!!!!! Ok I think I'm done.

20 December 2011

Let's gooooooooooooo.

CAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMP was pretty great. Went to youth camp for the first time this year and I had sooooo much fun. I was put in charge of games and they went really well and everyone enjoyed them so I'm really grateful for that. We had so many last minute games but they were like, the most fun and that was truly amazing because it really showed us that it wasn't just our abilities and ideas that made these games so enjoyable so that was a really good learning point. Made lots of new friends, mainly from the Saturday cell and that was definitely good so yeah the leaders hope to combine our two cells soon and well we'll see how that works out.. Christmas party on Saturday, doing games again. Hope it goes well yay yay yay yay yay. Christmas in 5 days. And then from Christmas, 1 week till 2012. Oh man. I don't think I'm ready.... Hope I will be soon tho arghhhhhh.

14 December 2011

There goes the fighter.

Been watching a bunch of the FBR videos, kind of reminiscing. I used to love FBR so much oh gosh and like now I realized there have been so many albums that have been released that I wasn't even aware of or didn't really pay much attention to which is such a far cry from what I would've done like, 3 years ago. Is this growing up or is this just plain apathy? (This line reminded me of Bohemian Rhapsody hahaha.) I don't even know. Either way, it's still pretty sad. I think. I don't know I guess it's school and like life and everything and argh I DON'T KNOW. I'm tired. But there's still so much to do. Not really aware of what I'm saying here just typing whatever I feel like typing so yeah. Okay then.

11 December 2011

Why Don't You Love Me

So obsessed with this song. Probably because Martin Johnson co-wrote it oh man hahaha. I miss BLG..

Got back on Monday and then the rest of my week was pretty packed. Went to do CIP at Make-A-Wish with Rach and Affs thanks to Rach!!! Managed to do 10 hours of random admin work which also involved calling all these restaurants and stuff so like yeah that was... fun. I guess it was an interesting experience and I really do need more CIP hours so yeah that was good. Also did more Youth Camp preparation, for all the games and stuff. Pretty excited I guess. And then I went to NYP on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and omg the Wrap Party was so fun hahahahaha we just danced around in the dark and stuff and played with all the confetti and drank "champagne" (ours was just some fizzy apple juice). So yeah that was pretty fun, then on Saturday I went to kind of help them pack up but by the time I got there they were pretty much done so we just kinda chilled out and ate really good pizza and wings and drank Koi and life was pretty good. Then I went to church for another Youth Camp meeting. Yeah. Had dinner with the Kueks on Sunday night and it was really nice catching up with all of them. My brother decided that he wanted to bulk up and be as buff as Joshua so he ate a lot of beef, that was pretty funny. Training starts again this week and it's thrice a week now. Oh man I am going to die. D i e, I tell you. 

02 December 2011


Who are you? What's your name? Why are you reading my blog? Can you please tell me. I am curious and confused. JUST TELL ME someway somehow msnfbfstwitteranything I GOTSTA KNOWWWWWWW did I even spell that right? Ok this has been a random post out of exhaustion and my over active imagination. Went to the surf house today it was cool. My parents are thinking of extending our stay here. Mixed feelings about it. Hope everything works out/goes great tho. Goodbye.