29 September 2012

What we had, it wasn't real.

I really want an ice cream sandwich. I should just bake/buy cookies and make my own sandwich instead of being sad that Carl's Jr doesn't sell them anymore.

I went to bed at 8 last night. But I didn't fall asleep till 11. And then I woke up at 6 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I hate being sick. But I think I'm much better now. Yay.

28 September 2012


Hi I really like this song. Like I really like Youngblood Hawke and I like this song more than I like them which is kinda weird I guess but yes. The second last week of my school life in SMSS has come to an end. So obviously next week will be the last week ever and that''s kinda sad but like yeah then it'll be two more weeks and then O's start and after 3 weeks IT WILL ALL BE OVER. So yay.

I think I caught the stomach flu bug from my sister ugh been feeling so sick all day and I am so sad and miserable but I can't tweet about how sad and miserable I am hence this blog post. I reaaaally am a little too obsessed with twitter. Damn. I'm also on the computer to look for more music for studying. I think I spent the whole week listening to the soundtrack of Like Crazy on repeat so I decided that I should probably find something else. Okay byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

24 September 2012

There's got to be something better than in the middle.

Kind of obsessed with this song (well, this cover). I didn't like it that much when I first listened to it but I really love it now and I really love Paradise Fears and Sam has such a great voice and he's so adorable he reminds me of Lewis from Meet The Robinsons and Cole is like tall and awkward and perfect and I love them ahhhhh. Hahahahaha I think I'm really just blogging this cause I can't tweet it.

I AM SUFFERING FROM TWITTER WITHDRAWAL AHHHHHHHHH but I'm sure it'll go away soon... I think...... I hope........... OK BYEEEEEEEE

P.s. you should also watch this because the last part is pretty great

23 September 2012

Four weeks.

Spent most of last week playing - watched Step Up Revolution, went to Rochester to shoot (+ study, kinda) with Bianca (kinda fail tho) and we tried to surprise James for his birthday (we got him a chicken as a cake). Went to Botanic Gardens with the gang yesterday to play with fire (well I watched them play with fire because fire is scary) and yeah it was fun.

So yes last week was a pretty good week but then I had a mini panic attack just now because O's start in four weeks and I am so screwed it's not even funny anymore because I haven't been studying and time is running out and DIE. So I freaked out for a while before deciding that the best thing I can do now is try to actually do shit instead of freaking out. And so yeah I'm hoping that this is the part where I wake up and get my shit together and actually manage to be prepared in time for O's. No more twitter for me, pretty sure it's #1 on my list of distractions so GOODBYE TWITTER until after O's I guess. I was pretty apprehensive about getting of twitter before today because I don't know I'm like addicted or something sigh so yeah I got Joanne to change my password so hopefully it'll help la I don't know arrgghhhhhh. But yeah I'm pretty scared now I hope this fear stays and actually makes me study because I haven't found any other form of motivation either SO YES STUDY I'M GONNA STUDY but first here are some photos ENJOY

(w Bianca (from her instagram acc); James' birthday; Edgar playing with fire; James' chicken cake; w Shi En (also from her instagram))

16 September 2012

Dear Bianca,

I don't understand why you don't want to eat potatoes with me anymore. I had a pretty good time eating potatoes with you. I guess it just doesn't go both ways, then. Love, me.


SO it's been three weeks since I last blogged I don't really think that's too long because it's not like a) my life's been particularly eventful b) I even blog that frequently usually.

So yeah but I went to Bali for the whole of the September holidays even though I should have been stuck at home studying hahahaha I love my parents. But they did force me to study a lot while we were there (okay not really force but more of nag because I didn't actually get that much studying done). Bali was good I love Bali so much I don't even know if you know how much I love Bali okay. Bali is the best. So yeah I went to the beach practically every day and I'd like bring some math to do or something... But I'd end up like walking up to the water and staring out into the ocean because the breeze was so nice and the sound of the ocean was so relaxing and ahhhhhhh I love Bali I wanna go back. And like we went bowling with the GCCG and stuff and yeah I love Bali not only cause of the place but also because of the people because the people there are pretty great (and there are hot guys, sometimes) so yes. But yeah I spent half the time studying/trying to study so this wasn't the best trip  because I didn't get to do much. SO yeah Prelims started when school started and considering how much (little) I studied this week was a pretty bad week. Last 2 papers tomorrow, so life's not so bad anymore HAHAHA.

Ummmm went to check out Societe Canteen yesterday with @leanguine (I just felt like doing that idk why, such a Leah move tho hahaha) after studying at CBTL and yeah the food was okay but kinda weird so yeah hahaha that was um fun. Then I went to Corobucks and did some R&J while waiting for Edgay and Shi En and then once they came we didn't study anymore la just talking and stuff and then we waiting for Chris before heading to Shi En's place to 'cook dinner' (we didn't). We ended up telling stories and stuff and being entertained by Ien and then we ate and got facials HAHAHAHA I let Ien do mine and he's like 10 so umm yes it was an interesting experience BUT SO FUN I love my gang.

Oh yes and my brother and I got to catch a glimpse of the royal couple (Prince Willam + Kate) when they were in Queenstown earlier this week. That was fun.

I shall now post a bunch of photos (most of which are from Instagram, yes.)

Kai - The last time we met him was back in Houston when he was like, 3. Now he won't stop talking and chasing me and umm.. Biting me.
I love Bali.
My weird (but, admittedly, adorable) siblings.
Super long pizza Uncle Mario made for our 'party'. Pretty sure one of the main reasons we went to Bali was to check out Cafe Romano and see how it was doing so yeah.
Facials + gang signs.